Yarn swap Oxford

What is Yarn Swap Oxford?

Exchange your unwanted knitting/crochet wool for someone else’s unwanted knitting/crochet wool and hope they have better taste than you…

How it works is like this..

  • You bring wool/yarn/knitting and crochet tools and books you no longer want and exchange it for tokens based on the quantity and quality of what you’ve brought.
  • We all have a tea or coffee from the Cafe while the piles of wool are sorted into type (‘Yarn de luxe’, ‘That’ll do nicely’ and ‘I do like bright acrylics…’)
  • Half an hour later we open up the swapping so people can exchange their tokens for other people’s yarn.
  • If anyone wants to buy a token there will be the option to do so. Any money raised or yarn left over will be donated to charity.

We’re having a bit of a hiatus on these but if you’d like to get them re-instated then drop me an email (see contact page)



For more information please visit: http://www.ravelry.com/groups/yarn-swap-oxford (you’ll need to be a member of Ravelry)